
Developer Hiring Platform

Happier Hiring
with Transparency

Example software developer hiring page on a mobile device.

We designed a hiring platform that translates how companies think into how developers actually want to be treated.

The Problem

Inaccurate job postings. Inane requirements. Resumes that never get a reply. The hiring process for technical people is fundamentally broken on both sides.

The Solution

Sane presets and prioritized data helps hirers and candidates meet each other halfway, all in a calming, thoroughly modern UI.


When it comes to translating business needs into a successful product for your users, you want a Brave User Experience. They’re bold: bringing cutting edge concepts, great messaging, and a superb aesthetic to the table. Their UX approach is founded on solid academic principles and in general, they just "get it." Prepare to be engaged and to know your business inside out. If you want to just tell a designer what to do, this is not the route for you. If you want to design your product right, work with Brave UX.

Kramer Keller
